

Interviews: Appearance and Paralinguistic Matter Too!

As personality is valued more than experience and skills for new graduates in Japanese job hunting, interviews should be handled accordingly to the criteria of which the applicant is judged by.

投稿者:NSA Staff


How to convey your self-introduction properly?

Even If you did something wonderful, if the way to tell is inadequate, you will not be evaluated properly. On the contrary, if you can tell it properly, they would evaluate you well if you do not have such a wonderful episode.

投稿者:NSA Staff


Bonus? Incentive? What is the Difference?

When looking at the job description, you will see the words “bonus” and “incentive”. This time I will explain the difference between these two words!

投稿者:NSA Staff


What is Fixed Overtime Pay?

This article will help you understand the salary system that includes overtime wages.

投稿者:NSA Staff


Working Part-time at an Office

Did you know that nowadays, you can choose to work at an office? I will explain the pros and cons of working in an office.

投稿者:NSA Staff
